Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Thursday, October 5, 2017

SAC Member Michelle McAnsh Gervais a Finalist in IWS Canada 150 Let's Celebrate Watercolour Competition!!

It is with great honour to announce that our own member of the Sudbury Art Club,
Michelle McAnsh Gervais is one of the 150 finalists to be part of the 150 pieces chosen to be honoured and included in the Celebrate Canada 150th year!
Below is the IWS Canada website - and on the page is the video where all the 150 pieces are beautifully exhibited. 
Michelle's piece, "Dinner For Three" (also selected as one of the 40 for this year's NOAA Exhibit and Travelling Exhibition) is included on the video as well as the photo and information on the website page. Looks like a banner year for you Michelle!!
Congratulations Michelle on this wonderful accomplishment!!!


Saturday, December 5, 2015

Watercolour workshop we had with Ruth Reid November 2, 3, 2015

Ruth Reid doing a demo

Samples of our work

Willing workshop participants take a picture to post to SAC

Sample works

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Mixing Flesh Tones and more...

Artist Tips (source: Jerry Yarnell newsletter)
How do I mix flesh tones?

You begin with the same two basic colors, alizarin crimson (both oil & acrylic) and thalo yellow green (Grumbacher Oil) or vivid lime green (Liquitex Acrylic). You will add white to these two colors to create a Caucasian skin tone. To create darker skin tones you will add Prussian blue, burnt sienna, and dioxazine purple. All flesh tones vary so you will need to experiment with the various mixtures of paints. For a redder skin tone, you will add more burnt sienna. If you need a lighter skin tone, add white.
Can I mix different brands of paint together?

You can mix different brands of paint. The difference between brands is the strength of the pigment. A different pigment may change the color. It does not hurt to mix as long as they are both water-based or oil-based. You cannot mix oil and acrylics together.
Can I use Masonite board to paint on?

Yes, Masonite boards can be used with acrylic & oil mediums. It can be more affordable than canvas and you may prefer the surface to canvas. Most importantly, use untempered Masonite board and you must apply at least two coats of gesso to prime the surface. Sand between each coat with fine sandpaper.
Use untempered hardboard (masonite) because tempered hardboard contains an oily resin that in time could impair the adhesion of the gesso.
To check if the hardboard is treated is to take a piece of masking tape to a smooth untempered surface, right away fibers will stick to it, if it's tempered it won't. If it's the masonite it has a wax coat, tape will take a while before the sticky reacts with the wax.
Duron is a hardboard that is untempered. You can buy it from a building supplier. The sheets were untempered 3/8 x 4' x 9'. Very smooth both sides fairly dark, very subtle small pattern can be seen (not felt) on the surface. You will not find this product at Home Depot, but they may special order the product.